You have an eye for high quality work and a high standard that any individual you work with is a seasoned professional; knowledgeable, responsive, and also collective.
The book you're preparing to publish is the start of your long-lasting trajectory as a writer, growing your own audience, and strengthening your business.
When you collaborate with the Self Publishing System, our professionals concentrate on each part of the book publishing procedure to make sure that your vision becomes a reality.
Here's how the Breakthrough Bestseller Plan works...
"Breakthrough Bestseller Plan"
- Send us what your have written so far including the Topic or Genre you are writing in.
- Our professional team of experienced authors and publishers will then provide you with a custom strategic plan so you KNOW your book will be successful when you launch
- We provide an honest, professional feedback on your book BEFORE you publish and launch. Your team of professionals will offer specific details on structuring and organizing your book to ensure it's success.
- You will be assigned a personal book editor that will read what you have written from start to finish. Your editor will take detailed notes and summary reviews before getting on the phone with you.
- After your book is structured and written, we go DEEP into the marketing of your book by preparing our ``Book Market Analysis``. We research and plan out your book's market strategy to give you and your book the absolutely best chance to become a debut, breakout, bestselling book.