3 Tips to Write and Publish Your Book

3 Tips to Write and Publish Your Book

Writing and publishing your own book for your business is a great opportunity to create instant credibility.

But, if you’re more experienced and can demonstrate an already established audience, then self-publishing may be the better route for you. Ultimately, what matters most is your goals and how you plan to achieve them.

  1. Write your book on a topic that is related to your core profession, niche or brand. You will have better success all around if you write your book similar to your main core profession.
  2. You should write a book under your name and no one else’s name. It should just be you by yourself; because it’ll do much better for your career.
  3. Focus your book on providing excellent evergreen value to your readers and prospects. Even if that means not selling as many copies and not hitting the New York Times Best Seller list.

Successfully following this strategy will help your business achieve financial stability and growth. 😊👍